Look at your life in retrospect and years pass by in a flash, Look at your present and time seems to be moving at its usual pace and when you look ahead to your Future it's hard to reach tomorrow. The Past, Present and Future move on different scales. They can't be compared but only viewed with different spectacles.
The past flies, as is the natural tendency of every human to not value what has already been done but long for something not yet attained. The past is by and large forgotten and we fly ourselves through all those useless times (which were the present then) to certain specific events which characterise our past for us. So much is forgotten that we fly through our entire lives worth years in a flash. Reminiscing the past is hence the easiest of things and food for lot of poetic brains. The past is an area of certainty where the probability of knowing the outcome is always 1. The past lacks the turns and surprises of life. This is precisely why we are in Love with our past because it's like taking a break from the usually challenging present. You get to choose your emotions and the moments. A life where you always knew what's coming ahead and what is your best options. Living in your past is your ideal life.
The Present, is a bitter truth. An interaction with reality one on one. It forces you to make decisions, to take actions and to do something to achieve something in the future. Today's present is future's past and to make it worth reminiscing, you need to make it important. The present is never ideal because you never know what lies ahead. The two paths, one a straight road and the other a downhill run, both seem equally good till you're blind folded. The present leaves you blind folded and that makes it extremely difficult. Living in present is what we all think we do but a very few of us actually manage to achieve in true sense.
The Future, is a canvas. It gives your dreams a platform. It's a place for your aspirations, desires and wants. It provides you a drawing board to draw for yourself a place where you want to be. It is an indication of what you want from yourself. What you want from your present. The end to the road where you tread blind folded. Future is where we all see ourselves as happy and it's like one of those fairy tales where you forget the real life elements of sorrow and grief.
“The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be”
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