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The God Delusion

People all over the world create delusions around themselves, a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidences. In India alone we have 33 crore Gods to choose from, for the 100 crore population; a sort of personalised delusion for everyone. In addition to that there are crores of God men. The social structure is so formed that it makes us oblivious to the delusion.

We continously doubt our own abilities, and associate results to the blessings of some higher beings. The degraded self-esteem is what pushes you deeper into the delusion. To quote Douglas Adams -
"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"

The belief that the world was created by some God and that everything in this world is His creation is fundamentally flawed. If he created everything than who created Him. Putting the creation of everything under the ambit of one entity was to simplify the explanation of the creation. Its like the creation of sink or the infinite, which are tools to help you explain the phenomenons. There is no physical existence of either the infinite or God.

Religion is seen as a symbol for morality, humaneness but rather it is our environment that imparts morality and humanity in us. If you knew for sure that God didn't exist or that He forgives all our sins, how many of you would murder, rape or rob. A man, himself is responsible for how he is, what his morals are and for his own success or failure. To say that success is an answer to the prayers is demeaning your own continuous efforts.

Religion is the believed to be the source of eternal happiness, peace, harmony and tranquility but is it necessary to be associated with religion to feel that sort of happiness. Can't I experience that without faith but with clear conscience. Why should I sacrifice my today, my present life to be given a place in heaven, a utopia I know nothing about. Why should I give away whatever little I posses for somethings that has it's existence doubtful.

Religion has been reduced to a commodity. Why does a man think that the religion he practices is the best? And if God created everything, why is He there in different forms in every religion. Will we have different check-in counters for Hindus, Muslims, Christians after death. Where God will know that you are a Hindu and you ate meat on a holy day and hence you are a sinner. Why are there so many different rules for the creations of a single human being.

The people who have faith in the supernatural call themselves the believers. that's actually quite true. They base their faiths on nothing substantial but these beliefs only. The existence of our religions are based on loosely strung facts supported by blind believers. Nothing is known but only believed to be true.

Religion is nothing but a symbolism and hence it's present in so many different forms. The symbolisms are different but all represent some common fact and if you get to the facts directly without involving the symbolism that doesn't make you a bad person. The fallacies in our form of religion is that we concentrate more on religion and less on what the symolism represents.

"The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature: reason, honesty, and love. The only demons we must fear are those that lurk inside every human mind: ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith, which is surely the devil's masterpiece."


  1. If somebody ask you how do you go from Delhi to Agra to see the Taj Mahal?
    You can answer, By Flight, By Train, By Road!
    The point here is, Religion is only a means to buy your ticket for the afterlife and it doesn't matter which option to chose! what matters is will you have the ticket when you die? And if you think there are no afterlife and nothing happens after we die, then I hope you utilize the maximum while on earth, but be sure you are strong in your faith, in what you believe? may you find peace in Life!

  2. This is what I state
    "Religion is nothing but a symbolism and hence it's present in so many different forms. The symbolisms are different but all represent some common fact and if you get to the facts directly without involving the symbolism that doesn't make you a bad person. The fallacies in our form of religion is that we concentrate more on religion and less on what the symolism represents."

    Religion is only a means not the end. We shouldn't take religion so seriously.

  3. If you say "We shouldn't take religion so seriously." then, I am sorry to say so, but you sure don't know a thing about RELIGION!
    When you mention "To say that success is an answer to the prayers is demeaning your own continuous efforts." .. I would like to ask you - do you think people pray only bacause they want something from "God"? If anyone answers a yes to this question then that person is a pure atheist. Praying to God is like thanking God for watever he is given to you and watever he has planned for you. Take out the greed from your prayers & faith and feel what religion is, from the pure heart. :-)

  4. Your thoughts are very practical I often wonder about the same is what I concluded out of my wondering - Religions are like the set of rules we make in any industry, business or anything that is run by people, like we set rules and define processes so that those rules can be easily explained to the new employees\workers. I find that these religions do the same thing.... set of rules to make us a better person, a better human, it's just that few don't or didn't understand it or are still wandering on who they are,why are they here..

    I agree with whatever u said as long as one who thinks so respects all religions , Keeping in mind Humanity is above all religion

  5. @Anonymous-01......your words sound good but are not very practical.....and why thank God in prayers.....give yourself the credit.

    @Anonymous-02......I completely agree with you...but the problem is with rules....people are restricted and bound by these rules and hence fail to realise the power within

  6. To A Man In Solitude: I would like to disagree with you that not everyone lives in the extreme ends when it comes to religion. There are people like me who is not always guided by the laws and rules defined by religion. There are lot of craps as well in most of the religious books but you cant deny the fact that there are many good things to learn from in those books but God has given you a choice. And I do take religion seriously because I do read the Bible and go to Church and I do it not because am scared that I will go to hell or because am so sure that Christianity is the ultimate truth, I do this things just because I want to remain faithful towards my religion and I am so sure I would have done the same thing even if i was born a Hindu or a Muslim.
    "why thank God in prayers.....give yourself the credit" thats is what happens when you are guided by your own subconcious, GREEDY! its always about I, ME AND MYSELF! maybe thats why you are in solitude...... But whatever is the reason, I dont think it is not normal for a person to have that kind of solitary nickname with a face behind a mask and a lot of confused notes.....

    "If you knew for sure that God didn't exist or that He forgives all our sins, how many of you would murder, rape or rob."
    I dont know for sure that God do not exist, but i do know for sure that God will forgive my sins even if I murder, rape or rob BUT I dont do it because I dont want to live in GUILT. God only forgives... But God never said Son, let me take care of the GUILT as well so that U dont feel GUILTY.
    Trust me there is a Big difference when you try to understand religion from somebody else or on your own. The Bible, The Quran or The Gita is available everywhere, have you ever tried to make an effort to learn religion on your own through the proper channels? Or are you living your life in ignorance?

  7. In fact I agree with you not everything is bad about religion
    I only said dont take it "too" seriously bcoz that verges on fanaticism
    And giving urself the credit is not being greedy
    It's the same as wanting ur boss to appretiate u for ur work and not someone else who takes advntg of it
    Give urself the credit bcoz doing nothing and praying wont result in anything u did some efforts and hence deserve the credit
    For my take on religion do read the next post

  8. In fact I agree with you not everything is bad about religion
    I only said dont take it "too" seriously bcoz that verges on fanaticism
    And giving urself the credit is not being greedy
    It's the same as wanting ur boss to appretiate u for ur work and not someone else who takes advntg of it
    Give urself the credit bcoz doing nothing and praying wont result in anything u did some efforts and hence deserve the credit
    For my take on religion do read the next post


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