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It isn't all about the money, Honey

Seeing me calm and composed amongst the rats racing for the ever so fervent lust for money, they come to different and varied conclusions, perturbed by the response received. I don't what to earn money.(At this stage, In this way.)

People mistake money for being the Goal, when all it is, is just a means. A means to achieve some of your desired goals. There is a thin line differentiating the two concepts and the staunch followers would argue that once you achieve the goal of earning money, you can use it as the means. But what you need to do is introspect. Once it becomes your goal, it is never achieved and you get trapped in an eternal loop.

Money should never be for the sake of money. Money is a by product of your position, stature, standard and respect. At least this is how it is ethically. If you could go as low as compromising your basic set of principles for few bucks, it is your own personal choice. Money should never be the governing principle of every decision that you have to make. The lust does just that to you. Getting obsessed with money, you think about ways to get more 24*7.

We all make compromises to earn a good living. But how low you go while making those compromises is up to you. Principally and ethically, you should maintain a sense of self esteem. Which is easy to lose while getting in the rush for the bucks. Money does crazy thing to people, if you don't get what I mean, look around.

Everything that shines is not Gold. People are always willing to lead you to delusions and allusions of everything that you could achieve, fact remains you are not rational but delusioned to believe them. When the lust grows, we lose our common sense and maturity. There never was and never will be a magic wand to get you free bucks.

For me, I'll always strive for the goals, which for me will never be money. The day I do something worthwhile, I am rest assured it will follow. And a day will come when you give your best and achieve your dream goals. It's the day when money will rush for you. There are many ways to use your strengths, some just prefer to be short sighted others prefer to look beyond and live in peace, assured.

"Getting money is not all a man's business: to cultivate worth is a valuable part of the business of life."


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