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It isn't all about the money, Honey

Seeing me calm and composed amongst the rats racing for the ever so fervent lust for money, they come to different and varied conclusions, perturbed by the response received. I don't what to earn money.(At this stage, In this way.) People mistake money for being the Goal, when all it is, is just a means. A means to achieve some of your desired goals. There is a thin line differentiating the two concepts and the staunch followers would argue that once you achieve the goal of earning money, you can use it as the means. But what you need to do is introspect. Once it becomes your goal, it is never achieved and you get trapped in an eternal loop. Money should never be for the sake of money. Money is a by product of your position, stature, standard and respect. At least this is how it is ethically. If you could go as low as compromising your basic set of principles for few bucks, it is your own personal choice. Money should never be the governing principle of every decision that y

Christmas isn't Everyday

We live our lives in real life, unpredictable, cruel, unfair world and not in some self composed fairytale worlds, where you shape your IDEAL lives. Physics teaches us the ideal can never be achieved. Yet we fool ourselves with the pseudo perennial happiness. Nothing lasts forever be it the good time or the bad. This is a known cliché. But we prefer to ignore it in our good times and use it when the going isn't good. Hypocrisy is an innate quality we all possess. On the Christmas night we forget that there were days when it was dark. When there were thunders. When the only colour present was black. When the trees were pale and when the lights were off. Not getting stuck in your past or miseries in good but equally important is keeping your feet on ground. If today you're celebrating Christmas and someone else isn't then it isn't because he deserves it any less. It's just that it's one of the days of your past when it wasn't quite like the Christmas ni

You can't always get what you want!

In the words of the immortal rolling stones, "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes well you might find You get what you need"   Life is a series of compromises. You'll not have your say always. Learning to hear no, to face defeat, to get rejected is a great skill. It lasts you a lifetime and helps you at myriad different places in life even if it leads to dejection currently. Life is not a bed of rose . It's something we all know but yet we expect to be presented a rose every time we walk into lives different arenas. Walking in is an opportunity but just that. It isn't a surety of success. Expecting chickens from your eggs well before they are hatched may only lead to allusions of what you possess. There is a line between what you want and need. It might be a fine line but it does exist. And so often we blur it to forget the demarcations.  Just because everyone else has it at this point doesn't make it your need. It still is

Running Away

People would like to believe that running away is for cowards, for quitters and for the weak. But what do you do when you have had enough, when you make yourself believe you have had enough. Don't we go for holidays? Don't we take leaves? We do all this only because we need all this; because we are not robots. Robots don't run away but that doesn't make them strong. We are humans and humans have feelings. Feelings that sometimes take you down. Force you to run away. Running away doesn't make you weak if you run away to get back your energies and then return back stronger. Sometimes we are so occupied with everything in our lives that we forget to run away. We forget that it's an option. An option that helps you regain your spirits. An option that's correct. Life throws at you challenges one after the other, you can't meet all of them. REALISE.  There are days when you should put your phones away, days when you don't talk to anyone, days yo


That feeling of silence, of emptiness, of vacuum; the one of absolute nothingness, is rare but blissful. You're like a pure white canvas. An unmatched serenity of soul. Pristine emotions of nothingness and that sudden tranquility of your character. The quest for eternal happiness ends in nothingness. Nothingness is actually the Shangri-La. It's the utopia which everyone looks for. The things which people are after could simply be achieved by a sense of nothingness. The calmness or to its extreme, the numbness is the ultimate pleasure. When you are numb, you're immune to all worldly pains, sorrow and grief. The absence of pain is probably the best pleasure. We seek for ourselves pleasures which are material and degradable. The absence of pain is obviously not what we seek because it's lack luster but what we seek is the bling. The glamour is not what utopia is, it's a place devoid of the negatives and nothingness is what strikes a perfect balance. The only p

Past flies, Present walks, Future Crawls

Look at your life in retrospect and years pass by in a flash, Look at your present and time seems to be moving at its usual pace and when you look ahead to your Future it's hard to reach tomorrow. The Past, Present and Future move on different scales. They can't be compared but only viewed with different spectacles. The past flies , as is the natural tendency of every human to not value what has already been done but long for something not yet attained. The past is by and large forgotten and we fly ourselves through all those useless times (which were the present then) to certain specific events which characterise our past for us. So much is forgotten that we fly through our entire lives worth years in a flash. Reminiscing the past is hence the easiest of things and food for lot of poetic brains. The past is an area of certainty where the probability of knowing the outcome is always 1. The past lacks the turns and surprises of life. This is precisely why we are in Love with

Surprising Yourself

Human Emotions are a response to an event, to a change in stimuli. These emotions alter according to the situation and over time you get to know your inner self. The emotions that you bring out could then be predicted and expected when they come out. You prepare yourself accordingly and are well aware of them. However, we have the tendency to surprise ourselves. The human emotion spurts out randomly, out of nowhere to go away from the expected. Once in a while you cry when you are happy, laugh when you are sad, go mum when when you are angry and shout when you are at sedate. Such exceptions break the monotony and makes the life and it's emotions unpredictable. Life , as they say, is random . These aberrant reactions are not just mere chances but have an underlying reason which we tend to deny. We force ourselves to believe stuff which might not actually be how you feel. You force yourself to believe that failures mean sorrow, but somewhere from the inside you wanted to fail.