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Imbalances in Life

Newton's third law of equal and opposite reaction is strictly for material things. Everything else in our lives is distinctly characterised by imbalances. There are unattainable equilibriums which mark the various aspects of our human lives. The ideal state obviously always is the equilibrium and we constantly strive to attain it but not everything is in our hands. The imbalances are created when expectations weigh in. It occurs when you have a certain level of expectation from a person/event but the "opposite reaction" isn't exactly "equal" to your expectation. These imbalances often are a reason for distress and pain. What we don't realise that the imbalance was mainly created by the high expectations you had. Over time we make certain assumptions and then take liberties to judge for ourselves what to expect. People and events are a lot deceptive. Things very often are a lot different than what you presume. If you as an individual expect what ...

Resonance of Souls

It's amazing how in this world with myriad living beings, there are some with whom you could spend infinite lengths of time, without ever realising it. Something from within us, unites the two beings. The thoughts match, preferences match and the basic principles of life match. This is what I call Resonance of Souls. Like in Physics, when frequencies match it results in a much greater frequency being produced. When you meet someone who is on the same wavelength as you, the souls resonate. It produces an effect greater than the two individual souls. A bond which is stronger, an incomparable understanding and a sense of feeling united. Hence for any sort of relationship this is the foundation stone. When the souls resonate, you know it. You know from the comfort you feel in someone else's company. The effortlessness in any act. The unequivocal decisions, the similar opinions and the same peculiar mindsets; all these tell you that there is resonance. Most often it's you...

Life gets in the way of Living

When people are young they have aspirations, ambitions, missions and mottoes. As the Life goes on these aspirations blur, realities kick in and ambitions butt-out. The way of living we as innocents dreamt of, the principles we decide to govern our lives; all succumb to the juggernaut called Life . Life steamrolls everything that comes in its way. Practicality and rationality are only instruments to chain you down. To keep you bonded to the orthodoxy. To keep you mediocre. Going with the flow, takes you downhill. Going against the flow is difficult, extremely challenging but it take you uphill. It might take you more time but it will take you up. Dreams are powerful, so they say and so each one of us know. But these dreams need wings. They need to be fueled by passion, faith and courage. Passion for what you intend to do, faith in your dream and capabilities to achieve it and courage to fail, to sound stupid. Writing this has a purpose . To urge the hundreds from among us ...

Forgetting the Past

The past is known to stick along with us for years and more often than not it's the pain that it carries more than the pleasures. People have been wrong to think that forgetting their past is difficult. We eschew the fact that the past was in 24*7 as well. What remains ingrained in our memory are only the events that could make a mark. Rest of the portion you would already have forgotten. Forgetting the past is easy, we do it all the time; albeit forgetting memories entrenched in your minds is not easy at all but a difficult possible. We are mostly unfair to our past. We have this innate quality to create imbalances between the good and bad memories of our past. We strikingly remember anything that hurt us in the past, but the majority of time that was not worth remembering all these years, were so only because that wasn't the time you were in sorrow. Pain and Pleasures are both sporadic in our past and present. We individuals love sympathising with ourself. We love to p...

The Silent Readers

Wondering why the blog viewcount is above 600 but the number of comments a dismal 2, I meet the silent readers. The readers, who aren't actually the followers but stumblers whose greatest appreciation is their silence. As a self-proclaimed non-seeker, I find myself seeking such appreciation, amusing. As the phoenix from the ashes, they appeared from nowhere, right in front of me, but with the most satisfying and fulfilling comments. What other reviews can one seek, better than your peers. The ironical appreciation is that they find it beyond them to read. The conundrum that arises splits you between continuing writing for yourself or for these silent readers, who might actually comment if they find it at par with what they seek. Man and the entire living kingdom has been characterised by evolution. Evolution is the cornerstone of the ever so improved present modern day world. It's evolution that I too seek. Evolving into something I can't even think or imagine of at pre...

The Reality Checks

So often in life we carry on with the current, going with the flow. What we tread on sometimes leads us away from realities. Going along, we assume a couple of things (just a couple). Then we build upon these assumptions and then create for ourselves the alternate realities. The reality checks are needed from time to time to take you back to the actual realities. We are always ready to move away from the real to the convenient. Assuming that the other person loves you, respects you, trusts you, just the way you do might be convenient for you; but might still be far from the actual. In life you rarely have equal and opposite emotions. What you give is solely what you give and in no way means that it's what you'll get. The reality more often than not strikes you like a lightening, you put so much of yourself in the alternate reality that the actual makes you lose yourself. What we need to do is have these reality checks more often, so that you catch the fantasies early enough...

Something Interesting

We as seekers in our lives are in a constant search of the entertainment elixir. Something which pleases our senses has become the sole satisfaction. Soul satisfaction has taken a back seat. Submitting to something else is obviously easier than submitting to oneself. Pondering over the subject, I realise that our purpose of worth on this mother earth has been reduced to finding something interesting. As I endeavour to write something which could be remotely interesting to anyone reading, I find myself floundering under previously unfound pressures. Trying hard could be so obvious. Greatness always lies in doing the hardest and showing it to be the easiest(and I obviously am no great/fake). I also realise the unworthiness of doing something where your heart doesn't lie. This is something people more often can relate to (myself included). Our choices were mostly governed by external factors. There wasn't ever any soul seeking as to what we needed, wanted, desired or aspire...