It's amazing how in this world with myriad living beings, there are some with whom you could spend infinite lengths of time, without ever realising it. Something from within us, unites the two beings. The thoughts match, preferences match and the basic principles of life match. This is what I call Resonance of Souls.
Like in Physics, when frequencies match it results in a much greater frequency being produced. When you meet someone who is on the same wavelength as you, the souls resonate. It produces an effect greater than the two individual souls. A bond which is stronger, an incomparable understanding and a sense of feeling united. Hence for any sort of relationship this is the foundation stone.
When the souls resonate, you know it. You know from the comfort you feel in someone else's company. The effortlessness in any act. The unequivocal decisions, the similar opinions and the same peculiar mindsets; all these tell you that there is resonance. Most often it's your best buddy with whom your soul resonates.
Compare the two thoughts, behaviours, mindsets and principles. You'll realise that you and your best buddy resonate. The two of you would have got along well straightaway although being unaware of most traits because of the sudden resonance. The resonance reflects time and again when you are with them in various forms. If you pay a little attention to details, you would notice this fact.
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