When people are young they have aspirations, ambitions, missions and mottoes. As the Life goes on these aspirations blur, realities kick in and ambitions butt-out. The way of living we as innocents dreamt of, the principles we decide to govern our lives; all succumb to the juggernaut called Life.
Life steamrolls everything that comes in its way. Practicality and rationality are only instruments to chain you down. To keep you bonded to the orthodoxy. To keep you mediocre. Going with the flow, takes you downhill. Going against the flow is difficult, extremely challenging but it take you uphill. It might take you more time but it will take you up.
Dreams are powerful, so they say and so each one of us know. But these dreams need wings. They need to be fueled by passion, faith and courage. Passion for what you intend to do, faith in your dream and capabilities to achieve it and courage to fail, to sound stupid.
Writing this has a purpose. To urge the hundreds from among us standing at crossroads in their career. Remember that you had a dream, a way of living that you had thought for yourself. More importantly, realise, you can still achieve it. It might have been late for some of them but they certainly are possible. Why would you want to give it up for something where your heart doesn't lie? Compromising here would be compromising for life.
Going with the flow is easy at these times. The rat's race is on and you'll end up being a part of it. Being mediocre should never be your target. No one dreams of being mediocre. Failure is, to not go after your dream; not to try and then not achieve it.
Now is the time; start today, this hour, this minute, this moment. Take a break from your Life. Think what you REALLY want and are you heading that way or have you submitted pusillanimously to your Life. Don't go with the flow, go with your heart.
"Always show the you in you that makes you the you that you are."
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