By 2012 the world population is expected to reach 7 billion and India is slated to surpass China as the most populous nation in this world by 2030. One in every six person on this earth is Indian and they are spread everywhere, on every continent. There is no need really to mention that there is population explosion in India, the numbers are enough to suggest that (21% rate of population growth). To help you in understanding what this means, India adds the entire population of Sri Lanka or Australia every year to its population. The population density is greater than any other nation of the world. Its useless to say that such a huge population in such high densities poses magnanimous challenges of governance, organisation and in providing basic human necessities to the people. The challenge is so very steep because the land area covered by our motherland is just 2.4% of the world but it is inhabited by 16% of the world population. The sheer massiveness of the numbers is a massive...