Ask anyone they'll say people change all the time . One moment they'll be your best buddies and the next they will try and stab you; one moment they'll be your lover and the next won't see your face; one moment they'll say they can't live without you and the next they will be living happily with someone else. I would not like to provide a definitive answer because the word is so subjective. People understand different things from change. For some change is the basic rule of nature. If it is so, why is it so painful? But so is death and it is equally painful as well. So, are we humans so naive that we fail to understand the obvious. Is the smartest animal on planet so fragile? For some it is moving on. Moving on is to change slowly. Slowly from a desert to the green pastures. Slowly from one person to another. But it is accompanied by selfishness. We don't realise the impact moving on has on the other person. Moving on is most difficult when it is for...