Ask anyone they'll say people change all the time. One moment they'll be your best buddies and the next they will try and stab you; one moment they'll be your lover and the next won't see your face; one moment they'll say they can't live without you and the next they will be living happily with someone else.
I would not like to provide a definitive answer because the word is so subjective. People understand different things from change.
For some change is the basic rule of nature. If it is so, why is it so painful? But so is death and it is equally painful as well. So, are we humans so naive that we fail to understand the obvious. Is the smartest animal on planet so fragile?
For some it is moving on. Moving on is to change slowly. Slowly from a desert to the green pastures. Slowly from one person to another. But it is accompanied by selfishness. We don't realise the impact moving on has on the other person. Moving on is most difficult when it is forced upon you, because you have no other option.
But for me change is mainly because situations change, people change just in a response. Things change because that's what nature's law is. Change in people is just a response to what we do to change the environment around us. The change is caused by external factors and those external factors change because of us. We fail to realise the root cause of the pain and falsely try to get things back to how they were.
The things once changed by the virtue of nature; will never be same again. All attempts to get it back are futile. What we need to do is adapt but all we try and do is build a time machine and reverse the clock. It is just as absurd as it sounds. The relation after your first big fight, first breach of trust, first lie is never the same and will never be same. We need to accept this obvious thing.
People change and so does everything around us but the problem is not with the people changing, it's with us not accepting it. We live in denial. Denying to accept the obvious, just like most other things and then cry over the pain it causes. Someone who truly understand you should understand the change and accept it as it is. We can not be egoistic and make it a matter of our pride. Accepting it would be the true moving on. Most times we end thing for the wrong reasons, because we are not ready to accept the changed environment, even though the other person is just the same at it's core.
"Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer."
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