For long we have debated the rural urban divide that exists in our nation and how this might bring the nation to collapse. But this repeated conditioning of our mind has veiled the unity that exists between the cities and the mofussils. There are threads that bind the two together and the sufferings are similar on both sides. This union can be seen as a very attractive segment by marketeers and politicians alike. It is important that we start looking at people beyond differences in castes, language or geographies. India might be a land of great diversities but the pain and sorrow of the poor is fairly constant everywhere. Pain can be a much stronger uniting factor than any other. This common thread of sorrow and despair among the poor was the major factor responsible for catapulting an year old party to power. The party looked at urban and rural poor with the same eye. The problems in the life of poor in the country are same irrespective of their place of residence. There is rea...