The constants in life turn out to be mostly the unwanted part of it.A little time spent thinking would reveal that the biggest constant is surely DEATH.Nobody can avoid it,its the most definite thing in our ever so vulnerable lives.Other constants are happiness and sadness,the good and the bad times. Why I like to call them constants is because our lives are governed by a lot of factors,which keep on changing with time but then there are these factors which you know will surely be there and don't sprung up a surprise. A constant statement like "The man died." It does quite generate any emotion. But when you add variable to it "The man died in a Road Accident." The death was inevitable but it was untimely and thats what generates pathos for the man. What I am trying to say is that DEATH is a constant so if you are able to view at the constants of life and separate the variable,you attain your solitude in heaven.