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Showing posts from December, 2012

The consequence of gender imbalance – The Third World War

There have been many prophecies about the Third World War and its probable causes. From Oil to Water, from Nuclear Weapons to Intercontinental Missiles, from Afghanistan to Iran, we have concocted many tales of the next world war. But the next world war would be because of the gender imbalance. Gender imbalance around the world has been on the rise. The developing countries are seeing a decline in their sex ratio. We have gravely undermined the importance of the other sex in the sustenance of human life on this planet. A male dominated society is has its foundations in discrimination and inequity. Such foundations of a society or nation are detrimental to the world. A nation lacking the humbleness, politeness, and grace of the feminine gender would be aggressive and intolerant. The bigotry of the world's extremists has been on the rise in tandem with the decreasing sex ratio. The suppression of the female gender bolsters the ego of the male counterparts. This leads to the

India has the largest pool of talented manpower but very few innovations and patented products.

Ancient India was the hub of learning and innovation. India had scholars like Aryabhatta, Charak, Chanakya, and many others. But, with time, that zeal for innovation has faded away due to the constant lack of encouragement from the whole system. Ancient India gave zero to the world, invented chess, developed ayurveda but today not many discoveries take place in India. This lack of innovation is the result of the systemic failure of our society. From school to college to workplace, we are taught and tamed into following the set rules. We are taught to be followers and any attempt to think freely is viewed as dissent. Our society has closed itself to any criticism or corrective evolution. This was quite evident when we saw the introduction of Genetically Modified seeds in India. Every technology has its pros and cons, and we need to encourage the spirit of research and innovation to increase the pros and limit the cons but an outright opposition to anything new will be a hindrance