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Showing posts from December, 2009

The Unknown

The equation would have been very simple and easy to understand but as we know our existence isn't quite that simple.................what makes it so very complex is that there are unknowns in it.The biggest unknown is the Supreme power which some call God.The way I view it is that its a powerful unknown that could change the equations anytime.The ones that deny the existence should then be able to find the answers to the equation as they don't have any unknowns.That clearly isn't possible and they only live in denial of their existence and in a false equation. Another important thing to notice is that when equations turn out to be unsolvable they are quick to include the unknown to justify their equations.People also try to assign absurd values to the unknown which obviously results in a fake equation. What I believe is that the unknown should be respected and given its due regards.Its importance to the equation is massive and hence it can't be ignored.The sooner we un

The Variables

When you think of the variables..........Life in itself is the biggest variables.Why I like to call Life-variable is because of its ever so varying nature.No matter how hard you may try to achieve some stagnation in a stage of life but still it moves on and the beauty of it is that although you know and understand that life is going to vary but what it will throw your way is always a mystery. Time and the situation are other variables that alter in continuum.Situation could actually be viewed as a product of several variables.When at a particular instance many variables interact,it leads to a situation.But these situations are only a part of the biggest variable.......Life. Why these variables are so important is because.........................they are VARIABLE.How so ever absurd it may sound but if we understand it that life is a variable ,then we should strive to make it worth living.If something can be varied then why not vary it to be the best.You know that Death is a constant so